AB 1505 and AB 1507

AB 1505 introduces a new landscape for charter schools, including their petitions, existing school renewals, and charter school teacher credentialing. Key, new elements of AB 1505 include:

  • Consideration of fiscal impact in a new charter school petition, though with the critical protection of needing to balance the academic need of students in the community being served. 
  • A 2-year moratorium on new nonclassroom based schools. Additional conditions for existing nonclassroom based schools are addressed in a different bill, AB 1507. 
  • A three-tiered charter renewal process based on the California School Dashboard. CCSA has created a compilation of renewal resources to support charter operators at any stage of their renewal planning process.
  • Certification by the Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) for all non-core, non-college prep charter school teachers is now required, though with the critical protection of a five-year transition period
For updated guidance on authorizing and renewal for AB 1505, as well as additional information on AB 1507 and its provisions for nonclassroom based schools, please refer to our Summary of AB 1505 and AB 1507. You may also download CCSA's Guide to AB 1505 California Charter School Renewal Criteria (available in short form here).

Governance/SB 126

To access recently updated guidance on topics such as Governance/SB 126, please email legal@ccsa.org.

COVID-19 Resources

As the state of California increases its response to COVID-19 (novel coronavirus), CCSA is providing California charter schools with guidance and sample resources to support planning and communications to your school community. Samples include letters from charter schools and school districts that do not have COVID-19 identified in their community and from those that do, as well as letters preparing families for possible school closures. Also included are links to resources for how to talk to students about the coronavirus.

2021 California Charter School Laws and Regulations

In partnership with the law firm Procopio Cory Hargreaves & Savitch, CCSA's Legal Defense Fund published California Charter School Laws and Regulations:  An Annual Compilation of Selected Provisions This booklet is a handy reference for charter school operators and board members-- bookmark it or print it out and keep it handy for easy reference.  It contains nearly all the relevant legislative and regulatory changes affecting charter schools in 2021.


To access our archive of online resources, templates, guides and more related to charter operation topics, current as of March 2019, please view our library.