Charter schools provide safe and inclusive environments for all students. These resources support California charter public schools in maintaining that commitment.
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Resources for School Officials (from the Attorney General's Office)
Sylvia Rivera Law Project
Works to guarantee that all people are free to self-determine gender identity and expression, regardless of income or race, and without facing harassment, discrimination or violence.
Summary of Supportive Federal Laws and Constitutional Rights of Transgender Students
One-page summary of supportive federal laws and constitutional rights for transgender students.
Gay Lesbian Straight Education Network
Works to ensure that LGBTQ students are able to learn and grow in a school environment free from bullying and harassment.
Be Prepared for Questions and Put-Downs on Gender
Questions and responses related to gender or interrupting hurtful teasing based on gender to practice for teachers to use in the classroom and share with students so they have simple responses to gender exclusion or put-downs.
LGBTQ Definitions for Students
Definition of LGBTQ terms for answering elementary school student questions.
Definitions to Help Educators and Parents Understand Gender and Sexual Orientation
Glossary written to give adults the words and meanings to help make conversations around gender and sexual orientation easier and more comfortable.
What Does Gay Mean?
Sample lesson to help teachers explain what the terms "gay" and lesbian" mean to elementary students.
Helps protect young people's right to express themselves, start gay-straight alliance clubs, have their gender identity respected, and be taught in a safe environment.
Lambda Legal
A national organization committed to achieving full recognition of the civil rights of lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, transgender people and everyone living with HIV through impact litigation, education and public policy work.
National Center for Lesbian Rights: Youth
A non-profit, public interest law firm that litigates precedent-setting cases at the trial and appellate court levels; advocates for equitable public policies affecting the LGBT community; provides free legal assistance to LGBT people, including youth, and their legal advocates; and conducts community education on LGBT issues.
This website provides links to third-party resources for informational purposes only. We do not verify, endorse, or guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or reliability of these resources. Users should independently confirm any information before relying on it.
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