

The voice of California’s charter public school movement

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Entries related to: organizing

Cerca de 100 escuelas chárter ofrecen almuerzos gratuitos para los niños

Para muchas familias, la escuela es un apoyo más allá de lo académico. La realidad es que muchos padres de familia cuentan con los alimentos saludables que sus hijos reciben diariamente a través del programa de almuerzos gratis o con descuento...

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Celebrating Powerful Advocates in Sacramento

Last weekend, we had the opportunity to thank advocates in Sacramento for their incredible and influential efforts during the Stand for All Students campaign.

Our “Season of Thanks” event welcomed over 60 advocates—spanning generations and...

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Black Charter Families and Advocates to Assemblyman McCarty and CTA: Kill Your Extreme Bills!

On Monday, Black charter public school families and advocates from across the state delivered a simple message at the doorstep of Assemblyman Kevin McCarty’s Sacramento office: kill your CTA-backed bill that puts a cap on quality charter public...

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#Stand4All Students Rally: One Week Later

It’s hard to believe that a week has come and gone since the #Stand4All Students Rally! Whether you were there in person, watching on social media, or missed it, we’d encourage you to read this great recap from EdSource. Below are our favorite...

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Following Stand For All Students Rally, Californians Are Ready to Put Kids First

First, we have to say: CharterNation, you are incredible! Over 7,000 students, parents, teachers and educators traveled from as far north as Chico and far south as Los Angeles to make their voices heard in Sacramento during last Wednesday’s...

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Los Angeles Parents Seek Unity & Solutions at One City, All Kids Summit

For much of 2019, the conversation around public education in Los Angeles has been divisive. In a post-strike world, many L.A. parents are ready for unity and solutions. Last weekend, they had a chance to pursue both during the One City, All Kids...

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Meet our CharterNation storytellers!

Ana Tintocalis

Ana Tintocalis - Director, Media Relations and Research

Ana is Director of Media Relations and Research and a member of CCSA’s External Affairs Team. In this role, she supports the organization’s mission through creative and effective communications platforms that increase public awareness and support for high-quality public charter schools. Additionally, she will help amplify positive local charter school stories happening to win hearts and minds in target media markets across the state. Read More >>

Myrna Castrejón

Myrna Castrejón - President and Chief Executive Officer

As the leader of CCSA, Myrna Castrejón has managed the membership organization representing California's public charter schools since January 2019.

Prior to assuming the role of President and CEO, she served for nearly three years as the Founding Executive Director of Great Public Schools Now, an organization created in winter 2015. As the Executive Director, Myrna led Great Public Schools Now's strategy to transform public education in Los Angeles by expanding high-quality public schools of diverse governance models in the areas most in need of support. Read More >>