

The voice of California’s charter public school movement

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Entries related to: reports

Celebrating Charter Schools that are Offering Social-Emotional Support

How are charter public schools supporting the social-emotional wellbeing of students during the pandemic?

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Brief: Two Charter Public Schools Stand Out in Achieving Latino Academic Excellence

Public schools aiming to improve academic outcomes for Latino students can find inspiration from a pair of charter public schools doing just that!

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Eight Best Practices of Nonclassroom-based Charter Schools

What are the best practices driving success in nonclassroom-based charter public schools?

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Aumentar el número de líderes de color en las escuelas Públicas beneficia a todos

Cuando a un alumno de kinder lo suspenden, uno se pregunta: ¿qué tipo de falta merita sacar a una mente en pleno desarrollo de su entorno educativo y mandarla a un estado de culpa, decepción e insuficiencia? Para Shandrea Daniel, directora de...

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Report: All Public Schools Benefit from Having a Leader of Color

When a kindergartener is suspended from school, one wonders what kind of offense would merit taking a child’s developing mind out of a learning environment,and placing  it instead into a space of guilt, disappointment and inadequacy. For Shandrea...

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Alumnos con desventajas que van a escuelas chárter tienen mas probabilidad de entrar a universidades publicas en Ca

Más estudiantes que tradicionalmente han tenido desventajas y se están graduando de preparatorias públicas chárter están continuando sus carreras en universidades públicas en California a comparación de los estudiantes en esta categoría que se están...

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Meet our CharterNation storytellers!

Ana Tintocalis

Ana Tintocalis - Director, Media Relations and Research

Ana is Director of Media Relations and Research and a member of CCSA’s External Affairs Team. In this role, she supports the organization’s mission through creative and effective communications platforms that increase public awareness and support for high-quality public charter schools. Additionally, she will help amplify positive local charter school stories happening to win hearts and minds in target media markets across the state. Read More >>

Myrna Castrejón

Myrna Castrejón - President and Chief Executive Officer

As the leader of CCSA, Myrna Castrejón has managed the membership organization representing California's public charter schools since January 2019.

Prior to assuming the role of President and CEO, she served for nearly three years as the Founding Executive Director of Great Public Schools Now, an organization created in winter 2015. As the Executive Director, Myrna led Great Public Schools Now's strategy to transform public education in Los Angeles by expanding high-quality public schools of diverse governance models in the areas most in need of support. Read More >>