
The voice of California’s charter public school movement

CCSA’s CharterNation is your go-to source for charter public school news and stories from the Golden State. We strive to bring you real stories from charter school thought leaders, students, families, and educators on the frontlines.

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Reuniendo a una tonelada de personas realmente inteligentes de más de 30 instituciones, la Universidad de Stanford publicó recientemente los hallazgos de su proyecto de investigación "Getting Down to Facts" que analizó detenidamente el estado de los...

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Championing charters this school year

After the success of the 2017 – 18 school year, California charter school students should be especially excited about going #BacktoSchool.  

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The latest in tuition-free options for a high-quality education

This Back-to-School season, students across the state will be starting classes at brand new charter schools in California. While the first day of school is always exciting, there is even more excitement when a school is opening its doors for the...

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My charter school saved my life

I was born and raised in Compton, California with a mother on drugs, a dad in prison, 13 siblings, and a public school that was so big that teachers didn't have time to look after me. 

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My kids' charter schools keep them safe and focused on what matters most: their education.

I, like most parents, want what's best for my kids - including the greatest education possible so that they can succeed well beyond high school and after college. Unfortunately, where you live, color of your skin, and income level can affect the...

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How To Apply at a charter public school with an Individualized Education Program (IEP)

If you are interested in enrolling in a charter school, check with the school about the application and enrollment process. Generally, the first step is to turn in a very simple application form. Under state law, if a charter school receives more...

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