CCSA has selected 10 exceptional charter high school students to receive the 2023 Susan Steelman Bragato Scholarship, a statewide award honoring seniors who have overcome adversity, given back to their communities, and are pursuing a post-secondary...
California Charter Public Schools Now Outperform Traditional Public Schools, CREDO Study Finds
Stanford University’s Center for Research on Education Outcomes (CREDO), one of the country’s most respected and prestigious research entities in the U.S., has provided clear evidence about a trend that charter public school supporters have been...
Research shows personalized learning is one of the most effective approaches to engage and motivate students. But personalized learning can mean different things to different people.
CCSA Study Finds Charter Public School Teacher Workforce is Diverse in a Wide Variety of Ways
In celebration of National Teacher Appreciation Week (May 7-13), CCSA has released a new study called The Face of California’s Charter Public School Teachers (Part I) which finds charter public school teachers are racially and ethnically diverse...
Roughly 37,000 students who attend California charter public schools are Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI), representing about 5% of all charter school students in the state.
Former California Governor Jerry Brown who enacted legislation that streamlined the state’s school funding system and gave schools greater local control says state legislators have undermined his reforms by implementing far too many regulations that...