California's Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) population has witnessed remarkable growth over the years. Home to the largest AAPI population in the United States, the state hosts over 6.7 million AAPI individuals, constituting a...
Escuelas no presenciales
La pandemia ha puesto un nuevo enfoque en la educación a distancia y los modelos de educación híbrida.
Charter Schools Enjoy Greater Flexibility
Another defining trait of California’s charter public schools is the flexibility they enjoy.
We recently had a chance to chat with Jay Artis-Wright, CCSA’s Vice President of Policy and Public Affairs. A mother of three, Jay has over 15 years of fighting for educational equity, including work at the New Jersey Charter School Association and...
An important part of what makes charter public schools unique is that they are directly accountable to the families they serve. At the heart of that accountability is a promise to improve academic outcomes for students—or face possible closure.
Durante años, la oposición ha atacado a nuestras escuelas, alegando que las familias que optan en mandar a sus hijos a escuelas chárter dañan al distrito escolar. Ellos insisten que las familias que eligen escuelas chárter de calidad (que a menudo...