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Entries related to: middle-schools

Youth Art Exhibit showcases work from Charter School Students in San Diego

Students from KIPP Adelante Preparatory Academy had the opportunity to experience the art world when they showcased their work at The Youth Art Exhibit last weekend in San Diego.

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As Graduation Season Arrives, Three KIPP Latinx Students Earn National Scholarships

These three Latinas recently benefited from KIPP’s college-going culture. 

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Tres Jóvenes Latinas que Ganaron Becas Nacionales

KIPP cultivó en estas estudiantes Latinas la mentalidad universitaria, hoy ellas cosechan sus primeras ganancias.

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South LA Charter School Leader Finds the Silver Lining in Distance Learning

“Shine so brightly that you drown out the darkness. By doing so, you give others the permission to do the same and you give the world the brilliant light it so desperately needs.”

This is the message that students at Vox Collegiate received via...

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Charter School’s Focus on Leadership and Service Inspires Students

When Linda Baca first learned that her daughter Kailyn wanted to pursue a career in the medical field, she was shocked. All she thought about was the toll that the COVID-19 pandemic is having on the healthcare sector.

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El Programa IB En una Escuela Chárter Inspira en Los Estudiantes sentido de Liderazgo y Servicio Social

Cuando Linda Baca se enteró de que su hija Kailyn quería seguir una carrera en el campo de la medicina, se sorprendió. Ella sólo podía pensar en cómo la pandemia COVID-19 está afectando a los empleados del sector de la salud y sus familias.

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