In 2015, Aspen Valley Prep, a Fresno-based TK-8 charter public school, was in search of a more tailored curriculum for its students.
What does your Heritage Mean to You?
National Hispanic Heritage Month began today.
For five straight years, Creekside Charter School has seen its test scores rise. That has made the K-8, Tahoe-based school not only a top academic performer in comparison to nearby traditional district schools, but also within the state. Last...
La Clave del Éxito: Familias Involucradas
¿Qué tienen en común los padres que buscan opciones de educación para sus hijos? Conocí a dos padres de familia, Delia García de Guatemala y Joel Merino de México. Ambos me contaron como se enteraron de la escuela Equitas Academy la cual les quedó...
Charter Schools Enjoy Greater Flexibility
Another defining trait of California’s charter public schools is the flexibility they enjoy.
We recently had a chance to chat with Jay Artis-Wright, CCSA’s Vice President of Policy and Public Affairs. A mother of three, Jay has over 15 years of fighting for educational equity, including work at the New Jersey Charter School Association and...