When Linda Baca first learned that her daughter Kailyn wanted to pursue a career in the medical field, she was shocked. All she thought about was the toll that the COVID-19 pandemic is having on the healthcare sector.
Apr 20, 2020
El Programa IB En una Escuela Chárter Inspira en Los Estudiantes sentido de Liderazgo y Servicio Social
Cuando Linda Baca se enteró de que su hija Kailyn quería seguir una carrera en el campo de la medicina, se sorprendió. Ella sólo podía pensar en cómo la pandemia COVID-19 está afectando a los empleados del sector de la salud y sus familias.
The resiliency and commitment of Achieve Charter School leaders, staff, and students is really something to behold. They posses character that we admire and aspire to as we face this pandemic.
This is the second interview in a series of interviews with champions in the fight for educational equity in the K-12 system
In the face of this unprecedented crisis, WISH Charter Schools is staying true to its mission of ensuring social justice through inclusivity.